Life does not always give you what you expect, but we have come to trust that we are always where we are meant to be and with faith, hope, and love we can conquer anything. Most importantly, it really is all about the journey...

Friday, August 24, 2012

Beach Camping - Day One

Last week was our annual camping trip to Southwick Beach. We were not able to stay as many days as usual and it did not work out quite as we had hoped in terms of the other people we are usually able to camp with, but it was a good time with some very special memories made. 

Charlie was over the top excited to go. Saturday morning he got right out of bed (at a very early hour) and dressed himself (which he NEVER does without coercion) and announced he was ready to go. Unfortunately, mom and dad were still in bed and we were no where's close to being ready to go. He managed to contain himself and his excitement and we were able to get things organized and ready and got on the road relatively close to our goal departure time. 

We just set up camp and stayed the one night and following day before heading home, but we left everything there to return to later in the week once Vince's sister and her husband were able to join us. (They flew up from Florida just to go camping at the beach with us this year and it was a great time - but more on that to come in another post...)

Ready to hit the road!
Charlie's just a little excited to go
(in case you couldn't tell)
Ben is underwhelmed with the whole thing...

Ben slept through the whole set-up process...

...while Charlie made "sand soup"


Didn't take much to convince Charlie to try a s'more... 
too bad he doesn't have the same sense of adventure
when it comes to trying vegetables!

my big boy!

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